(Sunday, January 23rd 2011)
I hate goodbyes. Today reminded me of so many things. The day I left home, the feeling that somebody’s disappearing from your life. The fact that I have to go home in no time at all. It made me realize how little time I have left here. How little I want to go home. How much I’m gonna miss everyone here. America just gets better and better every day, but every day is one step closer to prom, graduation and leaving Elk Rapids. I really don’t want to leave, and I know this has been said many times before, but I wish I could just bring all the people I care about over here and stay here. It’s a totally different atmosphere and environment. I blended into the culture really easily (never really had that “culture shock” that everyone talked about either), which essentially made it hard for me to distinguish between Norway and America, but now I definitely see the differences more clearly.
I hate getting the question; Do you like Norway or America better? Because the truth is, I have no clue. I love Norway, but at the same time it felt so nice to get away from where I’ve been “stuck” all my life. I’ve come to love America, too, and all the people here, but at the same time it’s stifling in a way. I miss the freedom I had in Norway. I miss public transportation for crying out loud. I miss being able to walk out the door and not knowing where you’re going or when or how you’re getting home and nobody questions that. I miss walking. I miss being able to throw on flip flops and run over to my best friend’s house in literally 5 seconds, anytime.
But I’m also going to miss high school. Elk Rapids. The senior class. Homecoming, morp, snowcoming, airband, AP Lit, the senior lounge. There is a difference between the American teenager and the Norwegian one, and quite frankly, I prefer the American version. I’m being totally stereotypical and generalizing, but that’s the way it is. I prefer American teachers as well, and all the opportunities you get through school. What am I going to do without Mrs. O. first hour? Or Mrs. Sayer? My God, she talks fast, but at least she makes it interesting to listen! I’m gonna miss Coach Kim! And my whole cheer squad. Amanda, who am I going to be all telepathic with? Macy, who am I going to throw in the air like a rag doll? Who’s gonna be all goofy and childish in that way that only Macy can?
I’m gonna miss the school spirit and pride that comes along with having sports teams connected to school. I love the student section. The O-Zone, yeah buddy. I love the rollercoaster. The chanting. The energy. The song, followed by the jumping. We are – ER. Orange – black. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeece. This is probably not making any sense, but I don’t care.
It’s a true paradox – in about 5 months I’m leaving home to go home. It’s probably going to be like when I left Norway, I didn’t really realize that I was actually leaving until about 3 hours before my plane left. When I was having dinner with the people that are my family – including my Isabella, you will always be my sister – for the last time in almost a year.
I feel so lucky, I have memories for life and an experience that I will always carry with me as one of the best years of my life. 5 months, roughly 140 days. It’s nothing, it’s gonna fly by too fast! I feel like I’ve only just scratched the surface. Touched the tip of the iceberg.
On another, totally random note; Rachel….RJ, Rage, Baby Ray, Joy, whatever we call you. I can’t believe I have to leave my baby sister.
ELK RAPIDS, I LOVE YOU. AMERICA, I LOVE YOU. And whenever I leave, I’m most definitely coming back.
Last but not least; to my Mom and Dad, this wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for you. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to come here. I miss you, and I love you.
-Kristine. Half American, half Norwegian.